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Buying or renewing your party membership is a simple way to support your candidate.

Membership Fee Table
1 year: $10
2 years: $18
3 years: $24
4 years: $30
5 years: $35

Membership fees received through the FVRA website remain in the district in which the Member resides.
Those funds are applied to candidate activities and their election campaign.


Supporters may donate to
  • their candidate
    during an election,
  • their local district association
    year-round, or
  • party headquarters

As per Elections Canada, donors may donate to two of three of a party's political entities [1].

The PPC respects the principles of grassroots participation. Donations received through the fraservalleyppc website remain in the district to which they were intended, and are applied directly to candidate activities before and during their election campaign.

Annual Maximums

We are in an election year - we invite you to make your maximum annual donations.
  1. To your local association, meet the annual maximum in two equal donations, half now ($875) and half when the election starts.​
  2. To your candidate, donate half of their annual maximum ($875) via your association during the lead-up to the election to support your candidate's public relations activities, and donate the second half to the candidate directly when the election starts.
In this manner, you would maximize your financial impact, amplifying your candidate's exposure and vote-earning success.

eTransfer Donations

Add the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association to your eTransfers using
  • Email:
  • Account name:
    PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association​​

Cheques, Money Orders, etc

Make cheques payable to
"PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association"
On the Memo line identify whether you are donating to the association or to your candidate.

Find your candidate here.

Recurring Donations

We are upgrading our ecommerce program to offer recurring automated online donations.

Until then please consider using one of the donation features noted above to post donations online or via traditional methods.

If you are uncomfortable with digital financial transactions then we encourage you to attend our Events where you can make cheque or cash donations.

A recommended amount is $33/month. Over the course of a calendar year, this amounts to just under $400 and results in a $300 tax credit for 2025.

The Small Print

$1 - 400

Receive a tax credit of 75%
$400 returns a $300 tax credit.​

$401 - 750

Receive a tax credit of 50%
$750 returns a $375 tax credit.​

$751 - 1,750

Receive a tax credit of 33.33%
$ 1,750 returns a $583.27 tax credit.

The PPC respects the principles of grassroots participation. Donations received through the fraservalleyppc website remain in the district to which they were intended and are applied directly to candidate activities before and during their election campaign.​

​​By submitting a donation, I certify:

  1. I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and I am making this contribution with my personal credit card and not a corporate credit card;

  2. This contribution is not from a corporation;

  3. The funds I am donating are from me and are not being provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

  4. If this contribution is made on behalf of my spouse, then the credit card balance will be paid from a joint bank account under both our names.​


NOTE: As of January 1, 2025, the maximum allowable contribution to a registered Canadian political party increased to $1,750. Accordingly, we accept donations totalling this amount through our website. The maximum possible tax credit remains $650.00. For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit the CRA website and Elections Canada.

Donations are non-refundable.

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