Global Warming and Environment
Rejecting alarmism and focusing on concrete improvements
The Liberal government is spending billions of dollars at home and abroad to fight global warming—or “climate change” as it is now called to account for every natural weather event and its opposite.
In order to lower greenhouse gas emissions, it has imposed taxes and countless regulations, it subsidizes inefficient and costly “green technology,” and it is blocking the development of oil resources crucial to our prosperity.
It is an undisputed fact that the world’s climate has always changed and will continue to change. Until twelve thousand years ago, much of Canada was under ice, and it is thanks to natural climate change that we can live here today.
There is however no scientific consensus on the theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today or will in the future, and that the world is facing environmental catastrophes unless these emissions are drastically reduced. Many renowned scientists continue to challenge this theory.
The policy debate about global warming is not grounded on science anymore. It has been hijacked by proponents of big government who are using crude propaganda techniques to impose their views. They publicly ridicule and harass anyone who expresses doubt. They make exaggerated claims to scare people. They even manipulate school children, getting them to pressure their parents and to demonstrate in the streets.
Climate change alarmism is based on flawed models that have consistently failed at correctly predicting the future. None of the cataclysmic predictions that have been made about the climate since the 1970s have come true. No new ice age. No steady warming in direct relation with increases in CO2 levels. No disappearance of polar ice caps. No exceptional rise in ocean levels. No abnormal increase in catastrophic weather events. No widespread crop failure and famine.
In fact, CO2 is beneficial for agriculture and there has recently been a measurable “greening” of the world in part thanks to higher levels. Despite what global warming propaganda claims, CO2 is not a pollutant. It is an essential ingredient for life on Earth and is needed for plant growth.
It is illogical for the government to pretend to care about CO2 emissions and the environment while planning to bring in millions of immigrants, non-permanent residents and refugees to Canada over the coming years. These people from countries that are poorer than Canada will use more energy, consume more stuff, and need more space for houses built in sprawling cities on land previously used for agriculture or left in a natural state. A larger population inevitably has a larger impact on the environment.
Given the uncertainties over the scientific basis of global warming and the certainties about the huge costs of measures designed to fight it, there is no compelling reason to jeopardize our prosperity with more government interventions.
A People’s Party government will:
* Withdraw from the Paris Accord and abandon unrealistic greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
* Stop sending billions of dollars to developing countries to help them reduce their emissions.
* Abolish the Liberal government’s carbon tax and leave it to provincial governments to adopt programs to reduce emissions if they want to.
* Abolish subsidies for green technology and let private players develop profitable and efficient alternatives.
Invest in adaptation strategies if problems arise as a result of any natural climate change.
* End mass immigration policies (see policy on Immigration) so as to mitigate the impact on the environment of a growing population.
* Prioritize implementing practical solutions to make Canada’s air, water and soil cleaner, including bringing clean drinking water to remote First Nations communities.