Timothy Knight, president PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Chilliwack BC February 1, 2024
Operation: Plus One is off to an excellent start!
Our election readiness is grounded on one fact: 1 active party member is equal to 20 votes! We are focusing on maximizing party membership. The rest will follow: volunteers, donors, directors, candidates, and votes.
Expired Memberships
This is the second step of the Plus One programme. We have begun to work on our three lists of expired members
Abbotsford-South Langley, Chilliwack-Hope, and Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford. Each electoral district has about 150 memberships that have expired since the last election in September 2021. We aim to recapture previous PPC members who for whatever reason have not maintained their PPC membership.
If you know one or more who live in Mission, Matsqui, or east Abbotsford whose PPC membership has lapsed please direct them to contact Jeff Galbraith to renew their membership.
If you know one or more who live in Chilliwack, Hope, and up to the Boston Bar region whose PPC membership has lapsed please direct them to contact Elizabeth Drocholl to renew their membership.
If you know one or more who live in the Abbotsford-South Langley district whose PPC membership has lapsed please direct them to contact the FVRA office to renew their membership.
We invite you to assist with our telephone campaign to contact expired members. Contact your respective candidate on record and add your name to their volunteer team.
Email Campaigns
Last week Elizabeth and Jeff responded to the Federal Court ruling on the legality of the Emergencies Act during the Freedom Convoy 2022.
416 Opened our email campaigns (of 501)
99 Clicked to read their articles (or 24%)
170 Views in total.
Donations & Pledges
$800 to this local association
Two members contacted us directly to offer their services to Jeff and Elizabeth as volunteers.
In the week following two more have stepped forward to add their names to the volunteer lists.
Social Media
Elizabeth Drocholl, candidate on record for Chilliwack-Hope and Jeff Galbraith, candidate on record for Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford have updated their Facebook pages and will continue to fine-tune their internet presence. You are invited to participate with them there.
As we build our volunteer bases and can afford the printing, we will begin a door hangar campaign across three districts, from Boston Bar to Hope to Chilliwack to Abbotsford out to Langley and to Matsqui to Mission and up to Skookumchuck.
This will augment an active schedule of speaking engagements for your candidate at local grassroots organization meetings and public events. We will leave select print material with these groups that they will distribute to their supporters and community on our behalf.
These organizations will offer additional volunteers and donor support. If you have such an organization to whom you want to introduce your candidate let them know and they will work with you.
The website is being redesigned to clean up the flow of information and improve the visual appeal. The focus has been to design the website specifically to meet the expectations of mobile users. This project is ongoing.
2023 Donation Tax Receipts
In housekeeping, we are beginning to prepare the tax receipts for members who have kindly made generous donations to the FVRA in 2023. Your financial assistance kept the website running and covered operational expenses. Those who made donations qualifying for a tax receipt will receive them by the end of February.
Annual General Meeting
Lastly is a note regarding our annual general meeting. This year we are in talks with the Greater Vancouver Regional Association to put together a Fraser Valley/Greater Vancouver joint AGM event. Currently, the date range is between late April to early May.
Thank you for your continued support of the PPC and your own candidates on record, Jeff Galbraith and Elizabeth Drocholl. We are grateful for your words of encouragement, your volunteer spirit, your financial contributions, and your vote.
We plan to see our first doubling of our membership before the AGM, bringing our electoral districts up to 300 active members each! So talk to your family and friends. Point them to Elizabeth and Jeff directly.
1 active party member is equal to 20 votes!
Regards, Timothy Knight, president PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Help fellow like-minded Canadians - from all walks of life - who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.
2 years is only $18! 5 years is only $35. If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through your candidate on record's recruitment link below they will receive your donation to use in their own election campaign.
Resident of Chilliwack-Hope? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Resident of Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Resident of Abbotsford-South Langley? Renew or buy your PPC Membership
Volunteer your valuable time and energy to local public relations efforts to raise awareness of the People's Party of Canada. We need physical help to get the message out to like-minded Canadians.
Donate (one-time or monthly) to Restore Freedom! We have set up an automatic monthly donation of $33 that totals just under the $400/year threshold and gives you a 75% tax credit for your donation. You may donate up to $1,725 for 2024 at the district level and national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,450. Click here for more information.
Follow us online
Subscribe to your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association website for updates and event notices!
Fraser Valley Regional Association on Facebook
Elizabeth Drocholl (Chilliwack-Hope): Facebook
Jeff Galbraith (Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford): Facebook
Vacant Seat (Abbotsford-South Langley): Coming soon!
People's Party of Canada on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Rumble, Odysee, Gab, and Telegram.