Nov 12, 2024 | Chilliwack BC
Jeff Galbraith, PPC candidate of record for Chilliwack-Hope
Here is our platform policy on Immigration with some personal added emphasis on some key points.
Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Help fellow like-minded Canadians who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.
Party Membership
Residents of Chilliwack-Hope Renew or buy your PPC Membership
If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through national headquarters your candidate will receive your donation during the next federal election for their election campaign.
If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through this website your funds will be used to support Jeff's pre-election events and promotions.
Volunteer your valuable time and energy to local public relations efforts to raise awareness of the People's Party of Canada. We need physical help to get the message out to like-minded Canadians.
Donate (one-time or monthly) to Restore Freedom! We have set up an automatic monthly donation of $33 that totals just under the $400/year threshold and gives you a 75% tax credit for your donation. You may donate up to $1,725 for 2024 at the district level and national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,450. Click here for more information.
Follow us online
Subscribe to your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association website for updates and event notices!
The Subscribe panel is at the bottom of the home page.
Jeff Galbraith
Email: Jeff.Galbraith@TeamPPC.ca
Telegram: https://t.me/JeffGalbraith
X: @JeffG4PPC