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Writer's pictureTimothy Knight

The Decision Is In

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada

Gatineau, QC, Nov 10, 2023

Last month, I was back in court regarding my constitutional challenge against Trudeau’s covid travel mandates.

We were in court to appeal the judge's decision from last year, who said she would not hear our case as she considered it “moot” after Trudeau had suspended the mandates.

After a month of waiting, we finally received the decision yesterday evening.

Unfortunately, the three judges on the Federal Court of Appeal decided to dismiss our appeal.

I am deeply disappointed, but not at all surprised.

I told you immediately after our hearing that I was not confident based on the body language of the judges and the slanted questions they asked us versus what they asked of the government lawyers.

This is one of the most important civil liberties lawsuits in recent Canadian history and our courts are so dysfunctional they won’t even hear a case that is being brought forward by a former federal cabinet minister and a former provincial Premier who helped write the Charter!

It doesn’t matter if they’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, if they’re a PPC supporter or otherwise, all Canadians should be disturbed by this decision.

These judges are enabling totalitarianism.

They are saying that there is nothing wrong with the government violating our constitutional rights as long as they repeal, or in this case suspend only, the discriminatory laws/mandates before they can be held accountable.

The precedent this could set is chilling.

This completely destroys our system of checks and balances. The government is immune to accountability as long as they time things right!

I will be regrouping with my legal team, Brian Peckford, and my other co-appellants to decide how we will proceed, but I think the next steps are obvious.

We must appeal this decision all the way up to the Supreme Court.

This case is just too important to abandon it now. We can’t accept this unjust decision and the precedent it would set.

What do you think we should do, Timothy? Should we give up now or keep fighting until the very end?




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