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There is an Agenda:

Writer's picture: Jeff GalbraithJeff Galbraith

Updated: Jan 30

By now, most have heard the term Agenda 2030. Some have even heard the term Agenda 2021.

So what are these? It is a 38-year program of a United Nations initiative to change the dynamics of the world's population for the "common good" of mankind.

UN History:

The UN was Chartered in 1945 and now boasts of 193 member nations, of which Canada is one. It consists of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Trusteeship Council.

In 1992 Brian Mulroney, then Prime Minister of Canada, signed us onto the UN Agenda 2021 declaration. It is a non-binding action plan in regard to Sustainable Development. In 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper extended Canada's role of Agenda 2021. In 2015, Stephen Harper signed us onto the UN's Agenda 2030.

This is the logo the UN is using to identify those people, areas and regions who have bought into this ideology and are being supported for their loyalty.

According to the UN, The Agendas will have the following effects on our world:

  • End poverty,

  • End hunger,

  • Ensure Good Health and Well-Being,

  • Ensure Quality Education,

  • Ensure Gender Equality,

  • Ensure Clean Water and Sanitation,

  • Ensure Affordable and Clean Energy,

  • Ensure Decent Work and Economic Growth,

  • Better Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure,

  • Reduced Inequalities,

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities,

  • Responsible Consumption and Production,

  • Climate Action,

  • Life Below Water,

  • Life on Land,

  • Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions,

  • Create Partnerships for the Goals.

The implementation of these goals has been less than acceptable by the majority of civilized citizens. The exact opposite has taken effect at the expense of the middle-class structure in society. Society will be forever changed for the benefit of the upper echelon in society and for the economically challenged.

In a different perspective, millions of our contemporaries are refuting these ideologies with an exposure of what these Agendas will really accomplish:

  • A One World Government (a one-size "will" fit all?)

  • Technocratic Corporatocracy

  • Total Dependence on the State (Welfare State)

  • Social Credit System (Control State)

  • Carbon Footprint Surveillance System

  • Universal Basic Income for Compliant Citizens (Welfare State)

  • Programmable Central Banking Digital Currency (can freeze your bank account at whim?)

  • Depopulation (seriously?)

  • Mandatory Vaccines for All Ages (no bodily autonomy?)

  • Controlled Fertility and Reproduction (free contraceptives and abortions?)

  • Radical Assisted Suicide and Abortion Laws (MAiD)

  • 100% Genetically Manipulated Food and Soil (have you read the ingredients on your fave food and seen how some farmers prep the fields for seeding and harvesting?)

  • Ban on all-natural remedies and treatments (Bill C-47 in Canada)

  • Robotic workforce (less people working?)

  • Internet of Things and Internet of Bodies (hmmm)

  • Microchips and implantable brain interface technologies (humanoids?)

  • Constant exposure to non-native EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and RFs (radio frequencies of 5G, 6G? and 7G?)

  • Destruction of Genders (we are seeing it in real-time, in our educational system?)

  • Destruction of Motherhood and Fatherhood (birthing parent and sperm donor?)

  • Rationing of Energy and all Natural Resources (blocking of sun rays and destruction of trees?)

  • Restriction on Non-Essential Air Travel (experienced in 2020-2021, the preliminary of things to come?)

  • Smart Cities (15-minute travel restrictions, mass multiple family residences?)

  • Drones, Facial Recognition Cameras, Movement Sensors (Part of Smart Cities?)

  • Abolishment of Private Property (UNDRIP and DRIPA)

  • Control and Surveillance of Nature and Wildlife,

  • Restricted Access to Wilderness (human-free zones)

  • "Sustainable Development" of the New World Order... (Sustainable Development Goals?)

The powers that be, the United Nations, are insisting this Agenda is for the "common good" for all humanity. Hmmm, if for the "common good" of all humanity, why a need for a depopulation formula?

We had two Prime Ministers from the Conservative Party who endorsed by signing these agendas to disavow our sovereignty of personhood and as a nation. The current administration is just doing the dirty work of enforcing it and making us pay for it through taxation and disregarding the transparency on where our money is going and why. So if two former Conservative Prime Ministers endorsed Canada to these Agendas, do we have any hope that a new CPC majority government will do anything to change the direction of Canada? I am thinking not likely as they are all about taking care of the party and their big-money financial backers.

We the People really need to start being committed to and decide what our future is going to be like. We have to start making well-informed choices based on our values and personal moral codes to take back our sovereignty as human beings. We have to stop and prevent the divisive politics that is presently usurping any vision of solidarity for the future of Canada.

For far too long We the People have been taken for granted by those that we elect to represent us in our political arenas to have their riding's best interests at heart when it comes to voting on various bills in the People's buildings throughout our nation. We were under the assumption that they were there at various federal, provincial, territorial, regional, tribal, and municipal arenas taking care of their responsibilities to the majority of their electorates. Yet, here we are. We the People have witnessed over the past decades and most noticeably the last few years, this doesn't seem to be the case any longer. Most of us have also learned over time in our lives, that assuming is a problem, for when we assume something, eventually it makes an A$$ of U & ME.

When we really think about our political structure, especially now we can see when we really look at it, that there are entities, foreign and domestic that have way too much power and control of what transpires in what is supposed to be the People's buildings. The so-called "duly-elected" representatives, at all levels, are no longer serving the needs and requirements of the majority of their citizens. The political parties of yesteryear and today are no longer being paid just by us, the hard-working, already overtaxed citizens of this great nation. They are also greatly influenced and subsidized by domestic and foreign interests in Canada's vast wealth of natural resources.

Established Canadians must be and should be provided for before any new person. Seniors, veterans, and the growing numbers of homeless deserve better treatment than they are currently getting. yet, our current reps are out spouting off at how great everything is and pretending that they are ticked off at the ruling government portion and their handling of certain national concerns, when they are part and parcel to the problem and have no plans or agenda to remedy or rectify the growing concerns on Canadian's minds.

Established Canadians rightly deserve a better quality of life, a greater sense of well-being and a higher standard of living provided, protected, and preserved by those selected from their ranks to do so. Failure to do so could be construed as treason (breach of faith or betrayal). When a majority of Canadians can have complete and unadulterated faith in their elected members to have their backs in all areas of concern, then our nation and its people can recover their dignity and sovereignty.

As right-thinking people know it takes a team to make the dream work. Those who come to the table to serve We the People must and should have Canada and Canadians on their minds, first and foremost. Now, I don't pretend to have all the answers to all that ails us as a nation, yet I do know right from wrong and that 2+2=4. These criteria seem to be lost capabilities in our current system of governance. Common sense is a thinking attribute readily available once "ALL" the facts are laid bare for perusal, to make an informed decision on what is best to do in each and every situation. The governing bodies must and should have all facts made available, from all sources whether good, bad or indifferent, upon request.

I have aligned myself to the federal PPC as their platform aligns with a common sense moral code that makes sense to me and others: The People and Canada first, smaller government, debt reduction and elimination ripping up any foreign agreements that hurt Canada and Canadians as a whole, less taxation meaning more money in Canadian's pockets, the right to self-preservation and provision, national security and preservation.

We the People have our work cut out for us over the next 18 months, as far as elections go. We have to use the only power we have at this point and time, we have to, we must get out and vote, and every single eligible voter must perform this act of responsibility and duty to their regions of concern. If you are not sure who to vote for or are tired of the same parties switching sides of the legislatures, vote for somebody who you deem has the integrity to speak on your behalf.

We the People are truly in this together. We must and will overcome. We must and will heal our nation. We must as one people united make a concerted effort to realize this to have any hope at all, not only for our future but the future of our posterity.

I look forward to serving you all with the best of intentions. I put myself out there so that we as a region will have a voice of reason for all that matters to the majority of Canadians.

Our party is still in its infancy and is growing, although we won't hear that from MSM sources. We are always looking for support in every area of concern now until the election in October 2025.

Thank you all for your time and consideration in these matters of importance for our nation.


Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association

  • If you - or someone you know - are a resident of Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford, now is the time to renew or buy your PPC Membership here. Help fellow like-minded Canadians - from all walks of life - who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.

  • Subscribe to your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association website for updates and event notices!

  • Volunteer your valuable time and energy to local public relations efforts to raise awareness of the People's Party of Canada. We need physical help to get the message out to like-minded Canadians.

  • Donate (one-time or monthly) to Restore Freedom! You may donate up to $1,700 for 2023 at the district level and national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,400.


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Thomas Richard
Thomas Richard
Mar 27, 2024

Well said! The conspiracy has become reality in our life time.....

Jeff Galbraith
Jeff Galbraith
Mar 27, 2024
Replying to

Thank you, yes it certainly has...much to our detriment, unless we do all that we can do to stop it.. Cheers

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