By Kevin Sinclair, PPC Candidate for Abbotsford
June 21, 2022 Abbotsford BC
We all know something is terribly wrong in Canada so let’s just spell it out: our country has been hijacked and is being systematically dismantled by a self-proclaimed globalist Prime Minister; a man, who days after being sworn into office in 2015, was directly quoted in the New York Times stating that Canada is not defined by its European history (which includes the rule of law), has “no core identity”, and is the world’s first "postnational" state. (i)
Pause… POSTNATIONAL… Our PM believes Canada is not a sovereign, self-determining nation but something altogether different.
We all remember his infamous address to the United Nations General Assembly in 2020 when he told the world “this pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset… to reimagine economic systems that actually address GLOBAL challenges… Canada is here to listen and to help”.
Pause… Canada is here to listen and to help the UN construct a new world order. Hmm?
At his right hand is the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Crystia Freeland, the ONLY government minister IN THE WORLD serving on the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees.
These board memberships are far from symbolic. According to the WEF, the board of trustees “act as guardians of its mission and values” and are its “highest-level governance body.” (ii) Wait a minute! Shouldn’t she be working for Canadians instead of against them? How is this even conceivable if not treasonous? Under Trudeau and Freeland we are watching Canada transition into less of a sovereign nation and more of a UN colony in real time. Consider our current UN commitments:
UN Paris Climate Accord – which is destroying our prosperity.
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UN Compact on Migration – which informs Canada’s out of control and destructive immigration policies.
UN Agenda 2030 and the government of Canada Agenda 2030 National Strategy – complete with all the Sustainable Development Goals of the new world order.
Moreover, in February 2022, Justin clearly exposed just how far he is willing to go to make his postnational dream a reality. That’s when Canadians and the entire world witnessed our elected PM go into full hijack mode. Peaceful citizens protesting the trampling of rights and freedoms GUARANTEED to all Canadians for decades, at the direction of Justin, were assaulted, trampled with horses and arrested, and people contributing financially to the heroes standing in the gap on our behalf had their bank accounts seized. In Canada!??!
So, point one – our country has been hijacked and steered towards a Trudeaupian, or more accurately, dystopian outcome, with all our lives in the balance. And make no mistake, the trampling on individual freedoms, censorship and suicidal monetary policy are not coincidences, they are essential elements of Canada’s dismantling – if you want to “Build Back Better” you must first dismantle.
Point two – at a time when Canada most needs a true opposition party to provide the checks and balances of a healthy democracy, we have witnessed the Official Opposition party transition into the Official Participation party.
There’s a famous saying attributed to Maya Angelou – “when someone SHOWS you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are.”
Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) highlights of just the last two years:
Carbon Tax – Did you know on June 18, 2020, Erin O’Toole signed a contract with Canadians on video alongside a witness from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation promising the following, “I, Erin O’Toole promise that, if elected Prime Minister of Canada, I will: Immediately repeal the Trudeau carbon tax; and, reject any future national carbon tax or cap-and-trade scheme.” (iii)
Firearms – The CPC promised to repeal the Liberal reclassification and ban on several types of firearms and, just before the 2021 election, caved to peer pressure and supported it, (iv) despite the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police opposition because it does nothing to stem gun violence and trafficking in Canada and only punishes law abiding and responsible gun owners who are already overregulated. (v)
Monetary Policy – The CPC relentlessly hammered the liberals for irresponsible spending programs, even accusing them of bankrupting Canada, and then promised, if elected, to spend so much money to buy your votes, we would have to wait at least ten years to balance the budget. (vi)
Bill C-4 - The Conversion Therapy Bill. The CPC successfully fast tracked into law – without review or debate – Bill C-4. In Canada, it is now punishable up to five years in prison to “practice, treat or serve to change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual"... with no definition of what this means and NO AGE LIMIT set to protect vulnerable and gender confused children. Sorry CPC, you’ve SHOWN us repetitively, you don’t care about Canadians, you care only about power, and you are willing to sacrifice our children on the altar of deranged political correctness among other things to get it.
COVID - For two years the CPC have been complicit in the coercion of imposed vaccine mandates, segregation and persecution of Canadians, illegal and unconstitutional firing of countless citizens, including one of their own candidates who dared to speak out. (vii) When pastors and even our leader Maxime Bernier were thrown in jail they remained silent. In fact, it was only when the truckers had crossed the Ontario border and were nearing Ottawa that one CPC MP got up and said I stand with the truckers, and by the way, I’m running for Prime Minister, wink, wink.
So here we sit. Our country is hijacked and the CPC has transitioned from the Official Opposition party into the Official Participation party. Who could have believed that when Justin Trudeau said in 2015 that Canada has no core values he would be precisely describing the CPC.
It’s not all doom and gloom however. There is a third and final point, and it’s a hopeful one! The People’s Party of Canada has emerged on the political landscape with the solution for our country. A party established on four core principles: Individual Freedom, Personal Responsibility, Fairness and Respect.
Our mission is to provide Canadians with a principled alternative to the establishment parties, which rely on polls, pandering and vote buying schemes to further their interests and those of lobbyists, rather than those of the people.
We are the only party with a serious plan, in fact the blueprint to putting Canada back on the rails to regain our sovereignty, prosperity and freedom.
Sovereignty - We are the only party promising to withdraw from all UN treaties, accords and pacts eroding our sovereignty – a firewall to centralized global government advancement on our nation.
Prosperity - We are the only party saying we must respect the Constitution, shrink the size and scope of the federal government, cut government spending, balance the budget OVER ONE TERM and lower taxes to unleash economic productivity and prosperity. We are also the only party proposing to reinstall Canada’s economic engine by “reassert[ing] federal jurisdiction over pipelines construction by invoking section 92(10) of our Constitution, whereby Parliament can declare any project to be for the general advantage of Canada.” (viii)
Freedom - We are the only party that from the beginning has stood in the gap to defend the guaranteed fundamental freedoms of all Canadians, and we won’t stop! Make sure to mark September 19, 2022 on your calendars. That’s when the federal government of Canada is put on trial before the Supreme Court of Canada for violating our basic mobility rights by Maxime Bernier and Brian Peckford (a proud People’s Party member and only living signatory to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms).
Either the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is re-established as the supreme law of Canada - where the preamble of the Charter reads “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law” - or we are in for much darker days ahead.
Make no mistake - Real change will only happen in Canada with the PPC, because we are the only party moving in a distinctly different direction than all the others. If we want change in Canada, we must be the change. Be an informed citizen. STUDY OUR PLATFORM (ix) and research our leader beyond what the Liberal controlled media says about him. Play a role in a dynamic, vibrant and growing movement. A people movement. Join us and together let’s take our country back!
Quick Facts about our founder and leader Maxime Bernier: Entered politics at the age of 43 after a prestigious career in the private sector - not a career politician. Lawyer and still a member of the Quebec Bar who held several positions in law, banking and finance. Examples range from Branch Manager of National Bank to Director of Corporate and International Relations for the Securities Commission of Quebec, to Vice President at Standard Life of Canada, and he was also an advisor for two years to Quebec’s Finance Minister and Deputy Premier, handling fiscal reform.
In 2005, when Stephen Harper was visiting Quebec looking for ideas and candidates to make inroads for the Conservative Party of Canada, Maxime was interviewed and based on his advice and ideas was asked to be a candidate.
The very next year, 2006, he was a high-profile Cabinet Minister appointed as Minister of Industry and minister responsible for Statistics Canada. He also served in other roles including Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism).
The man with the demonstrated skills, courage and conviction to lead Canada out of Trudeaupia into her God given destiny is also one of the most credentialed political leaders our country has ever seen.
[ED: Now is the time to renew or buy your PPC Membership. Help fellow like-minded Canadians - from all walks of life - who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.]
Kevin, you are bang on.... well said! Very well said!