January, 2025 | Chiliwack, BC
Timothy Knight, president of the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Recapping 2024
PPC Headquarters continues to upgrade the national website to better serve your candidate and you - the members - with communications and events tools, expected to be operational around Spring 2025.
Recent upgrades include a candidate directory profile with some communication tools such as a
Search feature: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/candidates
Candidate profile page: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/candidate/jeff-galbraith
Volunteer sign-up form: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/volunteer
and a Donate (to HQ) option: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/donate
The Events Calendar (https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/events) will include your candidate's local "Meet and Greet" and other events in a new set of social and community features. These new tools will give candidates direct access to their district members via newsletters and direct messaging to your candidate. These will be valuable tools as we move into what is expected to be a federal election year.
As a result, the fraservalleyppc.ca website has become redundant and will be taken offline on Jan 31, 2025. Our various social media (links below) will remain active as they continue to support our candidates locally.
Thank you for your consistent support - almost six years now! It has been a long road, and there is more road ahead of us. We look forward to serving your candidate - and you - better in the new year with the upgrades now available at PPC HQ.
We continue to accept donations to our local association to manage local administration and support on behalf of our candidates. Please consider a monthly donation to the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association.
In 2021 we saw our numbers at local voting stations double from an average of 3.5% across the three electoral districts of Chilliwack-Hope, Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon, and Abbotsford to over 7% in each! Your commitment to freedom, respect, fairness, and responsibility made this possible.
Champions Rise
Now, four years later, we step into 2025 with a well-established candidate, Jeff Galbraith, for Chilliwack-Hope. We have potentially two more candidates for the Abbotsford-South Langley and Matsqui-Mission-Abbotsford districts. Candidates are directors of the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association board. And to assist them we are looking for three District Directors who will act as the event coordinator in their respective candidate's district. If you are interested in that role please get in touch with us at FraserValley@TeamPPC.ca.
Mapping Success
As of April 2024, Elections Canada's new electoral district redistribution becomes law. The maps for Chilliwack-Hope, Mission-Matsqui-Abbotsford, and Abbotsford-South Langley may be found at Elections Canada.
We look forward to connecting Jeff and the other candidates with you in your community beginning in mid-January with the continuation of Operation: Plus One. This membership campaign will start with renewing previous supporters with expired memberships. Then we will actively participate in your community to equip you to recruit - from your circles - new members to the People's Party of Canada. We will help each member make their mark at the voting station... Plus One, a new member that you recruited. How will we do this effectively?
A critical part of Operation: Plus One is finding three District Directors (see above) who will organize local volunteer teams of two to four members in east Abbotsford, west Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Cloverdale, south Langley, Mission, north of Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, and Boston Bar. District directors are appointed by the PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association board. District directors will report to the board and coordinate with their local candidates. They will lead volunteer activities and awareness campaigns up to and including the next general election. If you are interested in committing to such a role please contact us at FraserValley@TeamPPC.ca. Operation: Plus One details are available on this website for your feedback, support and participation starting in mid-January 2025.
Double... and Double Again!
Our goal for Spring 2025 is to double our active membership. And then we will double again prior to the next general election. According to our statistics, one active member is equal to 20 votes! If every member recruited one person to join the People's Party of Canada our total votes across all three districts could go from 12,000 in 2021 to 24,000 in 2025. If we successfully double again before the general election we will see a vote count as high as 48,000 across our three districts! These simulations are based on votes counted from 2019 (1.4-3.4%) and 2021 (7.1-7.7%) jump to more than double (15% on average) at the next election.
If you recruited three new members before the next election your candidate has a real chance of winning their contest, making your Member of Parliament a purple seat!
Remember one active member equals 20 votes! It's time to send not one, not two, but all three of our local PPC candidates to Parliament Hill as your duly elected representative Members of Parliament.
Join us! Let's enter 2025 with refreshed vigour and sharpened focus. Renew your membership in 2025. Sign a friend - or a frenemy - up for the next two years ($18) or five years if you would like to make a $35 contribution to your local association as we prepare for your candidate's campaign.
On behalf of Barbara, your treasurer, and Jeff, your Chilliwack-Hope candidate,we wish you a safe and happy Christmas season. Remember that the People's Party of Canada is here to represent your will. So let Jeff know what you think about the issues that are important to you. Ask him your questions. Send Jeff to the House of Commons as your Member of Parliament in 2025!
Note from your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association
Help fellow like-minded Canadians who want a Canada that stands for Freedom, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility at all levels of governance. Help us defend the Constitution of Canada so that its guarantees are made fully available for all citizens of Canada.
Party Membership
Residents of Chilliwack-Hope Renew or buy your PPC Membership
If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through national headquarters your candidate will receive your donation during the next federal election for their election campaign.
If you renew or buy your PPC Membership through this website your funds will be used to support Jeff's pre-election events and promotions.
Volunteer your valuable time and energy to local public relations efforts to raise awareness of the People's Party of Canada. We need physical help to get the message out to like-minded Canadians.
Donate (one-time or monthly) to Restore Freedom! We have set up an automatic monthly donation of $33 that totals just under the $400/year threshold and gives you a 75% tax credit for your donation. You may donate up to $1,725 for 2024 at the district level and national headquarters, for a total maximum contribution of $3,450. Click here for more information.
Follow us online
Subscribe to your PPC Fraser Valley Regional Association website for updates and event notices!
The Subscribe panel is at the bottom of the home page.
Jeff Galbraith
Email: Jeff.Galbraith@TeamPPC.ca
Telegram: https://t.me/JeffGalbraith
X: @JeffG4PPC